
“All true history which will abide the test of ultimate judgement and criticism, must first be done in secret, before it is manifested in public” — G.D. Watson.

At the age of twelve, Jesus’ parents took Him to observe the Passover in Jerusalem. When it was over, Mary and Joseph were three days in their journey home when they recognized Jesus was not in the company of people as they thought. He was missing! Upon returning to the temple and after a three – day search, Jesus was found seated among the Jewish teachers listening, asking and responding to their questions.

Mary scolded Jesus for causing unrest in the family, but Jesus’ reaction was surprising to her.  He said, “You did not need to search for me, don’t you know it’s necessary for me to be here in My Father’s house, consumed with Him” –Luke 2:49.

Jesus’ spiritual growth and relationship with God was more than the traditions of men.  For these years growing up in Nazareth, He understood that God was more than yearly temple feasts and traditions.  Not even His parents understood the deepening of His spiritual wisdom and understanding of heavenly realm’s realities.  Jesus’ testimony, fostered in secret was made manifest in public and stood the test of ultimate judgement and criticism of not only His mother, but also, marveled the teachers of the law.

Mary was profoundly touched by her Son’s spiritual growth and development and the depth of His   relationship with His Heavenly Father.  Unbeknown to her it’s obvious He was spending time in the secret place, getting to know His Father intimately and of course, the affairs of God’s house.  There was an irrefutable manifestation for Mary, astonished at her Son’s spiritual maturity and she treasured His words deeply in her heart.  Also, the teachers wondered, “Where and how did this young man acquire such wealth of knowledge.”

The three days Jesus went missing and then found in the temple by His parents on the third day, opened something of a prophetic insight into the Father’s business Jesus was attending to.  Similarly, after Jesus’ crucifixion He was buried.  For three days in the grave, He went missing by His disciples, family members, and in general by the multitudes who followed Him.  Then on the third day He was resurrected and appeared to many.  With this is a prophetic act at the age of twelve, it can be said that maybe Jesus was discussing with the teachers Scripture references pertaining to the coming Messiah, His life, ministry, death and resurrection.

God’s “true history” – His story told throughout all eternity is the secret of redemption now made manifest for all humanity through the preaching of the gospel message, the power of God unto salvation to all who believe.  The Lord went missing one more time at the age of thirty-three.  He was taken up into heaven and disappear into the clouds and into His Father’s throne.  He will return one day soon, when every eye will see Him in all of His majesty and splendor.